Project Description
An Urban Landscape Model for Tashkent – Lot8 Urban Space
The major idea behind the framework of the LOT8 City Park and connected Metro Station, and the Square is to create an “urban oasis” by means of natural variables. Various green types, wetland, water bodies, and landform articulations have been conceptualized for the City Park via related metaphors and philosophical understandings of nature-people interactions. The existing potentials of the project site, i.e., surrounding courtyard and perimeter block housing environment, topography, climate, views and vistas are very important references for the park model in order to perform environmental comfort, to make land art, and to add urban dynamism.
The Lot8 City Park and Metro Square is for all age groups and genders, families and individuals. The outer skirt that is closer to housing area is basically for recreational purposes, calm and soothing, for elderly, adults, and young adults, the piazettas (small urban squares), spaces for various retail groups, the pond and its environs, planetarium, and pastoral landscape are proposed for everybody, for the public.
The activity pods of the Park and the Square can be grouped as cultural; sportive; recreational; artistic; entertaining; child playing; eating – drinking; and plant experimenting. All functions are related to each other in an integrated and complementary way by plan schemas, services, circulation patterns, and geometrical forms. The Park is broadly divided into four major zones: pastoral landscape; recreational spots; commercial area; and waterscape. The basic parameters are sustainability and resilience, nature and landscape design, and finally park, square and the city.
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