IFLA 60<sup>th</sup> World Congress, CODE RED for Earth

The Walk of Landscape Architecture between Academia and Profession: “on” experience


"The presentation assumes that there is an urgent need for calling a balance between our cities and natural existences, between theory and practice of landscape architecture, and of course between new designs and registered environments. The gaps of those peripheries have raised tremendously in recent years due to legislative and strategic misleading, and ignorance in Turkey, particularly, when project implications have started to be produced independent of shared knowledge domain. This is a very critical issue for university education as well.


It is needed to achieve and learn ‘the awareness’ again, and we require to use existing knowledge properly to create multi-functional and identifiable spaces, timeless projects, sustainable, and resilient places. Now, this can be thoroughly said that urban design has been turned into a race against time and a test of superficial quality, instead of prioritizing a pioneer role in the knowledge of multi-layered and complex proposals for existing cities, historical environments, and landscape restorations, especially in nature-preservation areas where transdisciplinary actions are required.


The firm of “on” and its team aims to always be on the balance beam for academic and professional approaches. The major intention behind the establishment of this office was to contribute to landscape architecture in Turkey and to have a competence on interface of landscape and urban design. The talk will dwell upon major subjects, headlines, concerns, and projects of the office via urban landscape and spaces, and criticism of non-urban design. Since “on” has been found there has been a principle of ecology and having a balance between city and nature, projects have been designed accordingly, reminding nature for urban milieu both as scope and scale. Therefore, it can be said that ‘on tasarım’ is a leading figure in landscape architecture in Türkiye."

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